No longer able to log in the game
I get a screen stating I need Flash Player to play, which I have, I re-installed it, went through all the recommended pre-populated steps that were sent to me from the game support in answer to my request for help; unable to get any more assistance! stopped playing. this is my last attempt to get help to be able to play, thanks
What steps did you take Anie? Just so to avoid giving you the same steps again. If you haven't already done so, try loading the game in Chrome, it has Flash built into it so it should work regardless if you have it or not.
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I do log in through Chrome, I tried reloading Flash, still tells me I need it to play...What steps did you take Anie? Just so to avoid giving you the same steps again. If you haven't already done so, try loading the game in Chrome, it has Flash built into it so it should work regardless if you have it or not.
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