Technical issues with Alphabetty Saga

Level 1
Since last year (I stopped playing for ages due to issues) I have not been able to see mine or my friend's avatars (which is just irritating really) but the main issue is that when the Mystery Mouse appears at the start of a game nothing happens to the tile it applies its 'magic' to. Last year my words weren't displaying in the top bar either.
Hmm, that's strange (the mystery mouse issue) Is the rest of the game okay for you?
Sometimes a bit of general PC troubleshooting can help alot, it might stop the game from acting up.
Try another browser, try a cache and cookies clear out. Even check to see if Flash needs an upgrade as these things can all affect the running of the game.
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I have tried everything suggested - I use Chrome on Mac. Cleared out all cookies and cache, checked Flash is up to date and tried in Firefox as well.The issue still remains.Hmm, that's strange (the mystery mouse issue) Is the rest of the game okay for you?
Sometimes a bit of general PC troubleshooting can help alot, it might stop the game from acting up.
Try another browser, try a cache and cookies clear out. Even check to see if Flash needs an upgrade as these things can all affect the running of the game.
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