Alpha Betty Level 288

Level 1
Here's a question. On level 288, if I choose the "Kimono Blossom" assist, instead of removing two codices as is supposed to happen, nothing happens. Why?
Best Answer
I figured out what's going on. As you say, two codices are open and two are closed at the start of the level. Without fail, Kimono Blossom works her magic only on the closed codices, which has no effect whatsoever, which I didn't realize, because I can't think of any reason why it would work that way. Nice goings on, rendering that aid totally ineffective. Thanks, King!
Are you sure both that you have actually selected Kimono Blossom (it's an easy mistake to make!) and that no codices were removed? There are four codices at the start, all in the bottom half of the board, two of which are open and two closed. It is very easy to fail to notice if the two open codices are removed because you may not recognise them as anything other than ordinary letters.
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I figured out what's going on. As you say, two codices are open and two are closed at the start of the level. Without fail, Kimono Blossom works her magic only on the closed codices, which has no effect whatsoever, which I didn't realize, because I can't think of any reason why it would work that way. Nice goings on, rendering that aid totally ineffective. Thanks, King!
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I think you're suggesting that I'd go through all the trouble of digging up my Facebook info to make an account here to ask this question, without being sure there's actually a problem? Well, you shouldn't worry; I'm sure. Thanks for the suggestion though.What's more, I figured out what's going on. As you say, two codices are open and two are closed at the start of the level. Without fail, Kimono Blossom works her magic only on the closed codices, which has no effect whatsoever, which I didn't realize, because I can't think of any reason why it would work that way. Nice goings on, rendering that aid totally ineffective. Thanks, King!Are you sure both that you have actually selected Kimono Blossom (it's an easy mistake to make!) and that no codices were removed? There are four codices at the start, all in the bottom half of the board, two of which are open and two closed. It is very easy to fail to notice if the two open codices are removed because you may not recognise them as anything other than ordinary letters.
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