beyond level 320

Level 1
Hello, I have completed level 320 in Alphabetty Saga multiple times, , but the next levels don't show up. How do I get further ?
Best Answer
Right now, there are only 320 levels in the game so you won't be able to get any new levels to show up. I'm hoping we will get some new levels pretty soon though.
Right now, there are only 320 levels in the game so you won't be able to get any new levels to show up. I'm hoping we will get some new levels pretty soon though.
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I came to AlphaBetty a month or so after release and have had the time to complete all 320 levels, go back and raise the scores on every level to 3 stars and then gone back again and ensured I have the highest score on levels up to 140 which is the nearest any of my friends/rivals has got to me. You don't think this suggests that the supply of new levels is just a tad on the embarrassingly slow side?
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I have been waiting for months for new levels. I heard the company sold so I'm wondering if there will be new levels or is this game finished?Right now, there are only 320 levels in the game so you won't be able to get any new levels to show up. I'm hoping we will get some new levels pretty soon though.
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How come some say they are at levels 335 to 337 and another user say there are only 320 levels and how to get further than level 320?Right now, there are only 320 levels in the game so you won't be able to get any new levels to show up. I'm hoping we will get some new levels pretty soon though.
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Only way now seems to be laptop and not a mobile device....a bit limiting....geez
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