I cleared level 305 but I cant proceed to next level, 306. How do I continue?
Posts: 2
Level 1
in Support
I cleared level 305 but I cant proceed to next level. The weather balloon just stuck. How do I continue?
Is it the roadblock that is stopping you or do you not see anymore levels. I think there should be one more episode so check you have the latest version of the game from the app store.
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HI!Thanks for input. I seems like it's a bug. Now I'm at level 320 and cant proceed on my tablet,but on my pc lext level is able. I tried to un install and then install the game, but it is no different. Thanks anyway. Have a great day!Is it the roadblock that is stopping you or do you not see anymore levels. I think there should be one more episode so check you have the latest version of the game from the app store.
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