I am stuck on Level 69 in AlphaBetty
When I make a 6 letter word, why does it go in the other two boxes and not where it should go in the 6 letter word box. Most of the time you won't give me good letters to make a 6 letter word and when I do it goes else where, why? If this is your plan then I will never get beyond this level!
Best Answer
I had the same issue when I started playing, then I noticed that if a letter is locked, by a vine for example, then it doesn't count towards the letter count. So if you make the 6 letter word and the last letter is trapped, then it will only count as a 5. I hope this makes sense.
I had the same issue when I started playing, then I noticed that if a letter is locked, by a vine for example, then it doesn't count towards the letter count. So if you make the 6 letter word and the last letter is trapped, then it will only count as a 5. I hope this makes sense.
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You're right. There is a glitch that starts in this level. All larger words will seem to only count as four letter words. Good news is that they still do count even if they don't seem to be. You can still finish the level even if it looks like you have six-letter words to go.
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It's true, but there is actually a glitch in this level that larger words only seem to count as four-letter words.I had the same issue when I started playing, then I noticed that if a letter is locked, by a vine for example, then it doesn't count towards the letter count. So if you make the 6 letter word and the last letter is trapped, then it will only count as a 5. I hope this makes sense.
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