AlphaBetty keeps crashing on my iPad

Level 1
I have expanded my storage, but the game crashes almost immediately every time.
Best Answer
Hi Mary!
Which iPad and OS version do you have? Some of the older iPad versions are no longer compatible with the game. Please see this thread:
In most cases a reboot of the device can solve many issues.
Please also make sure you have the latest version of the game installed.
You might also have to try to re-install the game. Before doing so please make sure you have the game connected to Facebook or Kingdom in order to save your progress, highscores and gold bars. Do make sure you have used your boosters and lives first, otherwise they'll miss after you re-install the game.
Cheers :-)
Hi Mary!
Which iPad and OS version do you have? Some of the older iPad versions are no longer compatible with the game. Please see this thread:
In most cases a reboot of the device can solve many issues.
Please also make sure you have the latest version of the game installed.
You might also have to try to re-install the game. Before doing so please make sure you have the game connected to Facebook or Kingdom in order to save your progress, highscores and gold bars. Do make sure you have used your boosters and lives first, otherwise they'll miss after you re-install the game.
Cheers :-)
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Thank you. I am on iPad2, so I can no longer play this game. Too bad. I really enjoyed it.
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Thank you. I am on iPad2, so I can no longer play this game. Too bad. I really enjoyed it.Hi Mary!
Which iPad and OS version do you have? Some of the older iPad versions are no longer compatible with the game. Please see this thread:
In most cases a reboot of the device can solve many issues.
Please also make sure you have the latest version of the game installed.
You might also have to try to re-install the game. Before doing so please make sure you have the game connected to Facebook or Kingdom in order to save your progress, highscores and gold bars. Do make sure you have used your boosters and lives first, otherwise they'll miss after you re-install the game.
Cheers :-)
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