What is wrong with this game
Level 1
First I started having problems with getting the free gold after watching the videos(you said you were working on getting that fixed. Big joke there) now the tiles will shuffle all by themselves even when its not necessary. I will have an awesome word and it will shuffle all by itself. I'm about to quit this game!
Hey Elaine,
I´d recommend you to always think that maybe not every single player is experiencing the same in the game. There are so many factors involved that you can´t just presume this is the same for everybody.
In general, I´d first start to check for updates for your device and it´s Android version. Then, check for updates for the game app. Now, turn off the device and turn it back on again. Give it another try afterwards.
You can also checkout the game on PC.
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My version is up to date. It updates automatically but I checked it anyway. I uninstalled then reinstalled. I have tried turning my android off and back on. Nothing has fixed the problemHey Elaine,
I´d recommend you to always think that maybe not every single player is experiencing the same in the game. There are so many factors involved that you can´t just presume this is the same for everybody.
In general, I´d first start to check for updates for your device and it´s Android version. Then, check for updates for the game app. Now, turn off the device and turn it back on again. Give it another try afterwards.
You can also checkout the game on PC.
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