Level 91 is defective

Level 1
Level 91 is defective. The cheese does not fall when you destroy pieces below it. The problem with this level is the same on Facebook, mobile, and tablet (Kindle). The tech department needs to fix it.
It's terrible. Line blasters don't work. Multiple Crowns don't work. At best you can sometimes get 1 crown to work or get the bottom two letter if the word contains 1 crown. At most 1 letter under a cheese chunk which makes this level mathematically impossible. I stopped playing candy Crush for this reason and now am about to quit this and will NEVER play King games again. It's supposed to be fun. NOT MADDENING.Hi Heather,
Thank you for reporting this. We are currently investigating the issue.
Thanks for your patience and understanding while we work on this.
- Mark, Team King Care
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The cheese does not consistently fall when the tiles below it are removed, whether by forming words, using crowns, or activating line blasters. In the third or fourth row from the top, letter tiles suddenly cascade into place, but the cheese and tiles above don't move. Gold tiles don't seem to produce new crowns, either. In terms of things that work, the bombs seem to consistently and successfully explode, and the vines do disappear. It's just the falling action that needs to be addressed.Hi Heather,
Thank you for reporting this. We are currently investigating the issue.
Thanks for your patience and understanding while we work on this.
- Mark, Team King Care
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It looks like the level is finally fixedSo where's the update? This level is terrible. And if you read all the individual threads, it looks like the conversation are closed for further comment. Some comments appear to be a year old, and the youtube videos cited have a different configuration of letter bombs and cheese chunks so they are moot.
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I just played this video and it doesn't look at all like my screen of Level 91. I also tried playing a few games and it's still doing what everyone (including myself) have been reporting, so I don't understand your it's been updated comment.Chris the game has been updated now and all is fixed
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Okay, so there's a revised Level 91 out there somewhere... but when will it be available on Facebook?Chris the game has been updated now and all is fixed
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I've been fighting level 91 for days!!! It isn't fixed on my game!Chris the game has been updated now and all is fixed
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when are you fixing level 91 for use on desktopHi Heather,
Thank you for reporting this. We are currently investigating the issue.
Thanks for your patience and understanding while we work on this.
- Mark, Team King Care
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