Level 468 Alpha Betty Saga seems impossible. Six 10 letter words? Anyone made it?

Level 2
Level 468 Alpha Betty Saga seems impossible. Six 10 letter words. Anyone made it?
how did you get to 468? I can't get 456 to open.
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Tiype your answer here
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I unistalled the game and reinstalled ithow did you get to 468? I can't get 456 to open.
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Did you lose your levels? I'm afraid to do that.how did you get to 468? I can't get 456 to open.
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I reinstalled and it did not work..how did you get to 468? I can't get 456 to open.
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It worked for me. Level 456 was a green bubble without a number before I did it. Reinstalling corrected ithow did you get to 468? I can't get 456 to open.
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The levels are open on Android app version of the game but not on FB pc
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got it to work thanks!! I had to restart my tablet and sign into the game again.how did you get to 468? I can't get 456 to open.
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Yes. Agreed. I have three starred every level without using the helpers. This is a bit much for a goal using the minimum. Wow.
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Level 468 virtually impossible Even when making crowns with 4 letter words there are not enough to make the 10 letter words I will keep trying as I love a challenge but I hope this is not the end of alphabetty for me
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