I am on level 478 and have yet to earn a single gold bar. Why can’t this be fixed?
Best Answer
The Gold Bars need to be purchased in the game.
The game is free to download and free to play, but instead offers in-game purchases. However, the purchases are fully optional since you can complete all levels without any Boosters or Extra Moves.
Have a Mice day!
The Gold Bars need to be purchased in the game.
The game is free to download and free to play, but instead offers in-game purchases. However, the purchases are fully optional since you can complete all levels without any Boosters or Extra Moves.
Have a Mice day!
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Thanks so very much. After all this time it is good to have an answer. With all other games I play points, stars, credits etc. are earned in several ways. It never occurred to me that Alpha Betty would be any different.The Gold Bars need to be purchased in the game.
The game is free to download and free to play, but instead offers in-game purchases. However, the purchases are fully optional since you can complete all levels without any Boosters or Extra Moves.
Have a Mice day!
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