Number of moves in Alphabetty level 519

Level 1
I have 11 moves on this level, which means no move can be wasted without making a 4, 5 or 6-letter word. Given the vines and the traps, this is almost impossible. On YouTube I see a user playing in French who has 14 moves. What gives? Why do some users have more moves than me on this level?
Hi Huja,
Our Game Studios are constantly working on improving our games by introducing new features, gameplay or concepts.
They closely monitor a game's difficulty and listen to player feedback about certain levels or features, and at times may decide to tweak certain aspects to enhance the player experience.
This can sometimes mean that videos available online do not reflect the current in-game content.
I can assure you that all levels can be passed without purchasing a single item. It may seem very difficult at times but with a little perseverance and a little luck I am sure you will get there ;-)
Good luck!
- Mia, King Care Team
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Hey there! The level is hard indeed, but definitely doable. Use the +2 moves artifact and try to destroy the vines using 5+ letter words to make them still count towards the goal.
On the topic of the youtuber having more moves. The level had 13 moves back then, and he used a +1 moves on top of that. At some point I guess the team changed the level to have it present the intended challenge.
Thanks for posting Huja! good luck with that words!
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Replayed it for kicks, completed at first attempt with zero moves left, starting with 11 moves +2 from the artifact.
It's not an easy level, but there are much harder ones
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Thanks Alessandro:) Um, excuse my ignorance, but what is the artifact??Replayed it for kicks, completed at first attempt with zero moves left, starting with 11 moves +2 from the artifact.
It's not an easy level, but there are much harder ones
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