Cannot see or send lives to Alphabetty friends
Hey Judi,
Could you please delete and re-install the game? That should help. If not, could you please send me a screenshot?
Let me know how that goes, until then have a bubbly day!
- Mia
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Will I lose my progress if I delete and reinstall?Not sure how to send a screenshot.Hey Judi,
Could you please delete and re-install the game? That should help. If not, could you please send me a screenshot?
Let me know how that goes, until then have a bubbly day!
- Mia
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I can take a screenshot and post it, but I’m not comfortable posting other people’s names without permission. When I click on the send lives heart icon, the screen with names of friends comes up, but I can’t sctoll down to get to other names. So if a friend requesting lives is not in the first screen, I cannot send lives. Plus, I cannot see any other players on the map.Hey Judi,
Could you please delete and re-install the game? That should help. If not, could you please send me a screenshot?
Let me know how that goes, until then have a bubbly day!
- Mia
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I have same problem, I deleted the game and re installed but problem persist, I cannot see or send lives to my friends
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hi @drfs
welcome to the community
am sorry that your friends list is empty and you cannot send lives
🍮 🍮
this could be a temporary problem that will fix itself
🍮 🍮
if it persists or has been going on for several days then your account may need a tweak
how long has this been happening?
did the friends list go empty all at once? ... or did the friends gradually disappear from the list?
do you login through facebook or through
🍮 🍮
@Crazy Cat Lad may require more information
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