Reset Pepper Panic
Level 1
Hi, I'd like to reset my Facebook Pepper Panic Saga back to Level 1. I've seen where several people have asked for this and gotten a response that they've been sent a message, but there is no answer in the forum post. I have clicked on the "I have this question, too" link on a couple of them, but I haven't gotten any response. Posting this as a brand new question. Please let me know what info you need from me.
I am so sorry for the delay in a response.
We have been working our way through the forum.
You cannot start again at level 1 without either connecting to a new Kingdom account or a new facebook account.
Again, I am so sorry you have had to wait so long for a reply to a simple question. I can only apologise and say the site has been having a shuffle behind the scenes.
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Thanks for the response. That is really inconvenient. It's hard to believe that they wouldn't make a way to reset a game - especially a game that is never going to get any new levels. Are there any plans to change that? Thanks!I am so sorry for the delay in a response.
We have been working our way through the forum.
You cannot start again at level 1 without either connecting to a new Kingdom account or a new facebook account.
Again, I am so sorry you have had to wait so long for a reply to a simple question. I can only apologise and say the site has been having a shuffle behind the scenes.
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