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There is a fault in alphabetty 622
Posts: 22
Level 3
in Support
I have removed the 2 cheeseboards but the game in Dutch did not end. I had one more turn left.
I just replayed this and I was able to reproduce the glitch in Italian when playing with the default helper - took out the second cheese plate with my last move, and the game ended unsuccessfully telling me I was out of moves. Then replayed it with the "Avventuriera" helper (should be "Adventurer", the one which takes out two -2 move bombs) and touched both cheese plates before my moves ended - got a lowly score of just over 5k but passed.
0 -
You have to score 1000 minimum for it to finish the level, even if you collect the two plates. I'm trying to 3 star this level, finding it very hard. 3 starred everything else. Annoying.0
Brett-4 is correct ... the 1000 point minimum happens with other levels too.
As for getting 3 stars
... you might try the artifact that removes traps - that may help getting off to a good start... when switching artifacts give each change several tries(20-30?) before trying another artifact... 9790 will get 2 stars ... 9856 3 stars(approximate range)... good luck ... the notes here do not add much more on level 622
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