Alphabetty level 512 wont go past 2 cheeses
Alphabetty level 512 have played over 100 times and is impossible to get it to go past 2 cheeses. Not classed as a hard level but you can score 10000 to 13000 quiet easily. about 5 times got between 14000 and 16000 so expected to complete with 3 cheeses but no wont move pass 2 cheeses. have even tried with 5 extra moves and got 20324 but still stuck on 2 cheeses. Please solve these constant problems
Alphabetty 512 can’t get 3 stars.. had highest point 20,669.. i have been playing all levels and reached current with 3 stars. Except for level 512 the only one i have with 2 stars.. any suggestions?
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Same here. All levels up to 660 with 3 stars, except for 512 - my best is 17501 and have played probably 200 games (in Italian). Not even playing with Barney the Vampire to get 5 extra golden tiles gets me over that score - I usually end up with anything from 10000 to 14500. BTW, This is actually classified as a hard level (now).
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Well turns out I was finally able to obtain the third star. Played with Barney over and over, likely 15-20 times a day, upping my score over 18k and nearing 19k, until I got a board starting with a strong 6-letter word on top of 3 golden tiles, and that put me over 10k in one shot. Then I built on top of that and ended up at 25135 - I think I recall that 23000 was already at 3 stars. Plus, no boosters used!
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Finally got 3 stars on Alphabetty Level 512 (my score was 21901). Been playing this one for a while. I used Barney, got a good starting board, and over 7000 on my first word. PLUS -- this must have been my lucky day -- I got the Bonus Wheel Jackpot for the first time ever!2
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