Finished level 710 of AlphaBetty but it won't give me any more levels. What to do?
hi pat... sometimes AB fixes itself ... is it still stuck at 710?...if so, are you on a PC or a phone or a tablet?0
On an Android phone, still stuck at 710. When I finished it a week or so ago, instead of the usual continue it said come back soon for more adventures. I beat that level a second time, but it still won't move on.0
I have the same problem on my tablet ... it stops at level 870eventually it corrects itself ... but it can take awhilethere is one thing you can try(it usually does not work, however)... remove the AB app ... then re- download it... maybe you will be lucky0
So there are more than 710 levels. If you redownload the app, do you have to start all over, or will it bring you back to where you were?
Thanks for your help!0 -
Hi @patgill, what version is your app reporting to be? On my Android phone I have 1.53.5 and levels up to 880.
Settings->Apps->AlphaBetty Saga, scroll to bottom
Thanks!0 -
Version 1.37.7 Sounds like that might be the issue. I know I get updates periodically. Guess I will just wait for a while and see if they add more, since when I beat 710 it said come back soon for more adventures. Wonder how they define soon?0
patgill said:Version 1.37.7 Sounds like that might be the issue. I know I get updates periodically. Guess I will just wait for a while and see if they add more, since when I beat 710 it said come back soon for more adventures. Wonder how they define soon?0
Tried, only one version available, couldn't find how to force update.0
Can you please on your device go into Play Store, search for AlphaBetty Saga, press Details and scroll to the bottom?
You should be getting this:
1 -
Sorry I couldn't do this sooner, been a busy week. I finally found the update button, problem solved! I now have new levels to play!
Thanks so much for your help.1
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