Bug with Swedish vowels (Reported - WORKING ON A FIX)
In "Find the letters" levels there are tiles in the asked for word, that don't exist on the board. Here are some screenshots. As you can see, I found all the letters of the word, but the next word never showed up. I play on Facebook, in Swedish. I have encountered this bug with other letters too, but always with our special Swedish letters Å, Ä and Ö.
Thanks @Skarpa5 for posting, will ping Community Managers to have Studio look into the issue.
Could you please specify what level exposes this situation, to help tracking this down?0 -
I have encountered this on level 869.1
I have the same problem at level 354 and 356. Swedish. Facebook platform. Finally made it past 354 when there was no words with å, ä, ö...1
Thanks @mammamango for the additional helpful info, will send this out to Community Managers shortly. Please hang on!0
I am stack in lever 226 for the same cause1
Thank you very much @gaba for adding your report...
I have been informed that Studio is actively working on a fix for this problem targeting the next release
So please be patient for a few more days while the update is being made available... and thanks again!
0 -
Level 846
When Swedish letters å ä ö is in the word looked for, next word won't come up.0
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