On level 881 it only shows 35 tiles but you need to have 36 to pass. (FIXED)
Not resolved for the ones who play on PC0
Hi @Cécile_Echard, and thanks for posting. We thought the issue was fixed, perhaps we missed some platform...
I believe @abe_coffee does actually play on PC (right?) - and I've verified the Android beta is fixed; what platform are you playing on?
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Alessandro ... you are correct ... is okay with windows 7 and chrome and firefoxmy version on gameroom still has 36 ... gameroom can be slow with new changes0
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Alessandro_S and I'm on windows 7. I have deconnected and reconnected... No way..0
@Cécile_Echard - I have tried now and even the Facebook version under Firefox/Linux has a target of 35, so we have as of now:- Android (Beta): fixed- Facebook: fixed- Gameroom: not fixed- Windows 10: unknownWindows 10 is peculiar, but you're using Windows 7 - are you connecting via Facebook or other game portals? Perhaps you might try clearing the cache of your browser and see whether AlphaBetty gets reloaded?0
I play on Facebook on Windows 10 and mine is fixed since this morning - thank you!1
Thank you @jobatkin for reporting the fix works0
windows 7 ... gameroom was slow to update on Feb 8th in an earlier post ...you are correct Cecile ... this post has been edited... 881 is okay now with gameroom today0
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