Level 420
420 is a challenge ... but beatable
the move stealer has to be blasted within 6 moves
there is an example with screenshots
open in a new tab or a new window
let us know if this helps ... or ask more questions
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Hi @RodjiW , I agree with @abe_coffee - 420 is hard but beatable.
You need to have a first good move to clean up the most vines possible on the next, then it's mostly downhill from there (I replayed it now, had a favorable starting position to make a 6-letter word on the right column which also took out the timed bomb at move 2 and finished with 0 moves left).
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OK you two...I'm not gonna give up, but with only one shot ( you have only one 'free' move before you're unable to complete the required words to win} it's pretty difficult. I'll keep at it. Thanks for the encouragement.1
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