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How Do I Get 3 Cheeses on Level 622?
here are notes for 622 ...2 plates ... in 9 moves(Feb 16 2018)
... Vincent recommends using an artifact that takes out the move stealer(s)
... Vincent likes removing exclamators when going for 3 stars
... the move stealers blow up in 2 & 3 moves
... blast a trap along the way
... the game will continue until you get at least one star ... 1000 will get one star
... 9790 will get 2 stars ... 9856 3 stars(approximate range)... Vincent is an expert player ... and plays on a PC in English1 -
Yeah, I have a 10472 on 622 - it's basically an impossible level score-wise unless you get a lucky board.
If you're really patient, go for it and play with Barney until you get a favorable board that allows you to both get lots of golden tiles and enough to clear one of the bombs while playing for score and completion of level. Maybe you're getting a good one in 100 attempts...
Vincent's tips are the same strategy I used way back when to barely move past 10k and get the 3 stars, good points as usual @abe_coffee ... good luck!
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