Level 900 likely needs 2 to 4 extra moves - what do fellow players think?

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Made it through at the 13th attempt (and with 2 moves left, too!) - but none of the other 12 attempts got even close, it was just a really really favorable board.
Most tries under 30 of the 42 cheese tiles, several under 24.
I'd have said 4 extra moves were needed before the lucky board, now I am guessing 2 more may be enough.
Most tries under 30 of the 42 cheese tiles, several under 24.
I'd have said 4 extra moves were needed before the lucky board, now I am guessing 2 more may be enough.

Allesandro ... thank you for trying level 900
... the English version I see is spread 42 cheese in 15+2 moves with gameroom and chrome on a PC
... it would be nice if others could beat it in 13 tries but you are an exceptional player
... after 40 tries yesterday(not counting quits) was able to get 40 of 42 once
... it would have taken one more move to win that one
... three other attempts got to 38 & 39 but would have needed more than 2 moves on those
... a typical result is in the twenties
... for you 2 more moves would work ... for the rest of us 4 or more moves would be helpful
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Thanks @abe_coffee, but it was really a lone lucky board. My first 8 attempts never even passed 24 cheeses, and at that point I was thinking "this needs 10 extra moves"
This level is so hard that if you can't spread cheese at move 1, you might as well quit!
And again none of my unsuccessful attempts would have been a pass with 2 extras - perhaps one could have gone through with 4 extras (and maybe not).0 -
finally beat it ... try #1 today spread 38 of 42 ... many many many quits... try #2 spread 42 of 42 with several blasters and barely beat it... needed a lucky shuffle and a decent boardscreenshots are available ... open in a new tab or a new window
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Right, I forgot to mention I play shuffle-less to collect shuffle boosters for really impossible levels... and then forget to use them
Congrats for passing this beast!0 -
level 900 could use more moves ... 4 would be nice
... here is the approach used today
general approach the first few moves
1) clear the entangler adjacent to the magnet in the second column from the right
2) try to create blasters when clearing entanglers and move stealers
3) try to create blasters near the center of the board that will spread cheese to the outer columns
consider the quit button if cheese cannot be spread right away
results today in English:
quit 70 times on the first move
played 21 times ... 12 times spread in the 30s
spread 41 once ... won 4 times
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Have tried level 900 for a few days now and getting rather frustrated, A few extra moves would definitely help. I must have had almost 100 tries up to now and the best was when I needed another 30
Having the same problem. This game needs extra moves. Very frustrating. Seems like I played it a million times without success,1
level 900 has 16 moves today with gameroom on a PC ... it had 15 moves when first released
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I am playing on my laptop and today my moves have gone up to 17 from 16. Still having problems though,1
gameroom has 17 moves todaychrome still has 15 moves0
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