Level 919
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this is an example of a 4-letter word GRAY that was accepted as a 10-letter wordhow???the blasters hit 6 crowns ... which added 6 letters to the word lengththe best part ... the 6 crowns are returned to the board0
abe_coffee said:this is an example of a 4-letter word GRAY that was accepted as a 10-letter wordhow???the blasters hit 6 crowns ... which added 6 letters to the word lengththe best part ... the 6 crowns are returned to the board
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I see, you're right, except for the crowns being returned ... I wish it were true!
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Hi @Doug_Evans
the screenshots below were taken from a PC running ABS in English
9 crowns were on the board with twelve moves left
10 crowns are on the board with eleven moves left
one crown was added when GRAY was played
most blasted crowns are returned to the board and are repositioned
there is a complete set of screenshots for 919 here ... open in a new tab or a new window
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919 is my favourite level in Alphabetty. It's super challenging but with a good strategy you can beat it.1
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