Are there more levels after 920?
Best Answer
Hi there I'm moving this thread to AlphaBetty Saga
Hello, @trazee! There are many more levels after level 920. I believe there are currently over 4600 levels in Candy Crush Saga. If your game doesn't show any more levels, make sure that your game is on the current update and that your device is on its current update as well. P.S. If this post was helpful, please press the "yes" button on this post when it asks "Was this helpful?"1
Thanks, I meant in Alpha Betty though, lol.0
Oh, sorry. This is actually the Candy Crush Saga community. I'm going to tag @firebombmarkus to see if he can move this to the Alpha Betty community.0
Hi @trazee and welcome to our adorable Community 😊 Thanks for tagging me @Crimson_Dawn I can't move posts but I will forward this to Community Managers so they can move it. Since I don't play AlphaBetty Saga I will tag our Community Manager @Crazy Cat Lad and he will answer your question. Thank you both for your understanding. Have a wonderful day 🤗0
Sorry about that, @firebombmarkus! I thought that was part of being a Superstar.0
No problem @Crimson_Dawn We are here to help any way we can so feel free to tag us 😉0
Hi there I'm moving this thread to AlphaBetty Saga
5 -
Hi @trazee !Level 920 is the last level in AlphaBetty Saga and no more levels are planned at this moment.
It's not either decided when or if new levels will come again in the game.
You never know what the future brings, but bare in mind, AlphaBetty Saga did end on level 410 once upon a time and more new tiles, words and cheesy levels came up after a couple of years rest.I can recommend to either go back and replay old levels and try to beat your previous scores.
The other alternative is to start over again from level 1. You can either start to play on a brand new account or just let me know and I will reset your game back to level 1 on your existing account.
Have a mice day!
🧀🐭💛1 -
I'm so sad
I'm sure I'm not alone as other word games out there are just so boring. This was a great game for people who love words and don't enjoy shooting bubbles or crushing candy. (lol)
I hope the designer takes this into consideration. Thank you for your reply.2 -
on the computer, my cell, my mini Ipad, I made and passed the level 920 several times, but the game does not advance to me at level 921.Why?0
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