How to wind level 639. It seem like it's impossible to remove all four of the cheesy plates.

Level 1
How to wind level 639. It seem like it's impossible to remove all four of the cheesy plates with so few moves available. What is the secret?
I think it must have been buffed - when I played it I don't recall the cheesy plates on the sides to be on different heights (I could be wrong, but I think I took out two in one blast), and I can't remember it being 10 moves only. It should be revisited again. I'll play it for a few times and see whether I get closer than the two plates I took out in my last attempt).
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Took me about 10 attempts, changed initial special helper with the only one awarding an extra move. So it's hard, but nowhere as hard as others I played in the past (all of which were later nerfed) - twice I got within 1 move of finishing it from the starting 10 moves, before changing the helper.
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i also think it was not that hard at all,
well, ok, just a few attempts, classic ...
the mistake i made on my firsts attempts, if i remember well,
was that i was REALLY DETERMINED to break that f***'in rock (near the bottom, anyway it's the only rock in this level), in order to diagonally eliminate both plates 3 and 4 in one turn
but hey, you can eliminate them (3 and 4) one at a time, either diagonally (top tile of the first and last columns), or simply vertically with a good old 5-letters word lazer
if you have arrived to level 639, then trust me, you've beaten many many more hellish levels before
Regards !
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Here's how I beat 639. Used Mice King to remove 2 exclamators. Took out plates 1 and 2. Broke the stone blocker. Made a long word for a multi-directional line blaster. Moved it to the bottom. Took out plates 3 and 4.
Like many levels, you need good tiles to be dealt or you are doomed.
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hey fellow IEEEgal mouse,well, to each his/her own way, that's part of the fun after all :)when i read, a few days ago, this thread (while waiting for the new batch of levels), i tried 639 againokay, it's not easy, of course, but it's do-able for surediagonal / vertical lazers / you break the stone or not ... there is no DEFINITIVE RIGHT SOLUTION :)anyway, when you say : "Moved it to the bottom"i must admit i'm still puzzled sometimes by the way the tiles move after a turne.g. sometimes, i say to myself, YEAH, GOT IT with this move, i'm gonna have the perfect diagonal lazer by *ending* my word just onto one "vined/entangled" tile, cause this one won't move ...... and f**k it ! all the tiles on the grid go into "mayhem mode", my beautifully crafted lazer goes in a damn placeand BOOM, i lose(i'm thinking about 642 pretty sure, maybe 641)BYEHere's how I beat 639. Used Mice King to remove 2 exclamators. Took out plates 1 and 2. Broke the stone blocker. Made a long word for a multi-directional line blaster. Moved it to the bottom. Took out plates 3 and 4.
Like many levels, you need good tiles to be dealt or you are doomed.
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Hola, cómo se usa el ratón Mice?0
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Gracias por responderme. Desafortunadamenre no hablo Inglés.
Feliz trarde.0
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