I've clocked alphabetty with three stars in all levels

Posts: 5
Level 2
in Support
So how do I unlock the 2nd and third padlocks?
Hi @amykate7345 and welcoem to our Community!
Are you stuck at a Tea time Roadblock in the end of an episode?
Or have you reached the last level in the game, level 920?
Could you post a screen shot of your game map?0 -
yep as below, see the two locks? 🙂 Thanks for any info
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Ah, you mean the two Boosters!
There are only one pre-game Booster in AlphaBetty, the King Crowns.
The plan was to have three, but the second and third pre-game Booster were never introduced, so therefore the buttons are still there showing a padlock.
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Cool thanks and good to know. 😊0
Hi there I am stuck on 410, the last level of the moon but I have completed it. Do I need more stars to continue? Thank you.
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Yes, My computer will only let me play up to on 410. But my android tablet and again android phone I could go to further levels. I think it is cause I was playing through an ap. I'm not sure though a question for the administration?0
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