If level 142 only has 12 moves now, there must be a bug so that I cannot get that 3rd star. My score

Clarksville Posts: 3

Level 1

If level 142 on Alphabetty only has 12 moves now. My old score is over 27,000 with two stars. There must be a bug because with 12 moves I cannot better my old score to get that 3rd star. 


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,544
    Hi @Clarksville, I am not too familiar with this game so I am not able to answer you.  But I will tag @QueenMia who is the Community Manager and maybe she can offer some help. 
  • ambr0sia
    ambr0sia Posts: 5

    Level 1

    Did you ever get the 3 stars for this level?

    Even when it was 30 moves I've seen questions and tip and tricks and people still having problems getting 3 stars.

    I have tried all the old tricks for this level (even using Vampire Barney) and my own stratagies that have worked on the last 800+ boards.

    I've tried utilizing the crowns, blasters, all long words, mixtures of long and short words, high point letters, etc, etc.

    I'm at a loss on how to get past the 1 star.

    I tried endlessly a long while back and just recently trying again so I could get the Artifacts tiered up.

    Every Wiki tip or video shows strategies for the original 30 moves, not 12.

    Can someone please advise, or better yet, please return the game back to the original 30 moves.

    These particular Artifacts would be a great help.

     Thank you.

  • abe_coffee
    abe_coffee Posts: 1,976

    142 is a tough level
    7 words in 12 moves

    here is some info about level 142 ... 28214 will get 2 stars ... 29040 for 3 stars
    level 142 may be in the top 10 for levels that are difficult to get 3 stars
    why is that?
    ... 1) on Nov 29 2017 6 words were required ... 7 words are required as of Jun 19 2019
    ... 2) the first time through the levels vampire barney is not available to help get a big score

    one approach ... if you are at level 142 continue playing until level 365 is completed
    ... after completing level 365 select barney to place 3 gold tiles on the starting board
    ... when you get 3 stars on every level from 321-365 then the starting board will have 5 gold tiles

    each gold tile will multiply the word score by 2 ... for example 3 gold tiles will multiply the word score by 8(2x2x2)

    there is an example of 142 using barney ... open in a new tab or a new window ...
    from the example it appears that at least one word must have a score greater than 10,000 to get 3 stars

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