King Crowns not working

The crown is not destroying the tiles on level 538. Initially, the function was working then all of a sudden it stopped. It highlights a tower in the table left but not tiles0
Welcome to our Community @smartheartclub😃
I'm not able to reproduce the issue so the next time you play, can you make a video recording so we can have a look?
Thanks0 -
How do send a video? I have the recording but it says file not supported.0
Alpha Betty has a new bug. When you use a tile with a star on it, the result is that a bubble pops, or cheese spreads, or anything that will help you complete the game. Part of the action is that there is a flare that shows you which bubble was popped, or which rock was cracked, etc. The flare is not going to the impacted tile, it is going to a fixed spot on the upper left side of the screen. The flare isn’t really important on most of the games, but it is really important for the find a letter game when it reveals a letter for a word you need to spell. Else, the letter changes and you may not see it because the flare did not lead you to that tile.
Also, did anyone say if they would fix the other bug that I reported for the find a letter game? Where you are given a blank tile but they system is not recognizing it. That is the more frustrating of the two bugs, especially if that blank tile can help you complete a level.
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In level 480, making a word with a * in clears the same square each time - the one in the top left of the grid. On level 481 the same position is cleared every time even though it is not part of the grid. Also there is a square on the right hand side in the middle that has no letter and cannot be cleared so the level seems impossible to finish as it stands.. Anyone else found this issue?0
Sorry - that should read 481 and 482. There is also a square on the left hand side that has no letter. I can clear the one above using the hammer which then drops a letter into this square but I now have no hammers left!0
Hi @smartheartclub @LBinMIA2016 @pmainwaring !
I discovered the same issue with the King Crowns in my game this weekend and have reported it to the AlphaBetty Game Team.
I will post any news about the issue or when it will be fixed as soon as I hear anything from them.
Stay tuned on this page and thanks for your patience!0 -
I am having an issue with the power crown. For the last week, every time I use the crown, it hits outside the board and never hits any blocks.0
I am having the same issue with the crowns0
Hi @traciem451 and welcome to our Community!
This issue has been reported and I will post here when it will be fixed or any news about the issue.0
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