Weekly Word Challenge! Win Gold Bars! (finished)
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Remember - you won't get any points/gold bars for a word someone else has already chosen @papergirl1, you still have time to pick another sport. 😊0
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So sporty people here! Nobody were in the mood for running a Marathon, Wrestling though or my favorite Petanque! 😉
The Gold Bars for accepted words are:
@Sabrina_Menin Kayak is the actual vehicle while Kayaking is the sport. So I cannot accept that one I'm afraid.
@cazaline Volleyball gives 24 Gold Bars!
@pchaney777 Hockey 20 Gold Bars!
@mysticalmysty Basketball 20 Gold Bars!
@abe_coffee Boxing 17 Gold Bars!
@bearwithme Cycling 20 Gold Bars!
@lovesongangel Football 15 Gold Bars!
@DaisyDolittle Kickboxning 32 Gold Bars! Wow!
@Kittylitterscooper Diving 13 Gold Bars!
@NinoCho Gymnastics I am not able to link that on the game board?
@papergirl1 Boxing already picked by @abe_coffee I'm afraid.
@Larlar30 Curling 14 Gold Bars!
@peanut66 Baseball 14 Gold Bars!
@gar16002 Skating 13 Gold Bars!
@Stephanie_Jordan Golfing, Kickboxer. The correct sports would be Golf and Kickboxing. So I cannot accept these words and kickboxing was also picked by @DaisyDolittle.
@knaiad Squash 13 Gold Bars!
@ivy2020 Kayaking 22 Gold Bars!
@Isavivi Karate 10 Gold Bars!
@Midnight1 Squash already picked by @knaiad.
@golden4 Track What kind of sport is this?
@Diad Bowling 16 Gold Bars!
@Dvink Judo 13 Gold Bars!
@DSA1971 Running 12 Gold Bars!
All players with accepted words have the Gold Bars in the games already!
Next week's challenge is already out and has the theme Computers & Internet. Check it out here!
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