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How many letters in a word will get you a "Squeaktastic!"?
Posts: 7
Level 2
in Support
Just wondered, as I've only heard it once - must be over 12 letters at least.
I spelled Simulated (9 letters) and received a “Golden”.
I then spelled Historying (10 letters) and received a “squeaktastic”.
3 -
If memory serves me, I believe any word 10 letters or greater is Squeaktastic!! 🐁 🤩
I had taken a screenshot of my word Squeaktastic word ELONGATION. I needed two 4-letter words to complete my objective, highlighted- Long, which turned into elongate, finally elongation. 💛Wide-open boards in the early levels3 -
Thank you! I got mine quite late in the game, Level 700+ somewhere!1
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