How do I get my game reset?
Best Answer
Thanks @indinat ! Your game is now reset to level 500. Please reinstall the app before you open the game so the phone's memory won't restore the levels automatically.5
Hello @indinat Hearty Welcome to the Alpha Betty section of our friendly King Community
Many players have asked to reset their progress to level # 1. But, I am not sure if it will be possible for the team to reset your level to 500! Our Community Manager for Alpha Betty game @Crazy Cat Lad will be able to clarify and help you with this
Hope everything works out and you will be able to enjoy your game again!
Have a great day/evening!0 -
Thanks @PummyRaj. I’ll wait to hear from @Crazy Cat Lad. If not possible then level #1 will be okay.1
Hi @indinat and welcome to our Community!
Yes, it is possible to reset the game back to level 500 only if you wish.
Please post your Game ID so I can find your game in our system and I will reset the game for you.
How to find your Game User ID on Facebook check here. On mobile, check this page instead.
1 -
thanks so much @Crazy Cat Lad. My user ID is 8791800014.0
Thanks @indinat ! Your game is now reset to level 500. Please reinstall the app before you open the game so the phone's memory won't restore the levels automatically.5
Thank you so much @Crazy Cat Lad!0
please I would like to have my game reset as well. ID 1244737190
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