How can I go back to improve artifact levels?
I have been playing the game because it's fun, without completely understanding how the artifacts work. I'm now on level 490 and I'd like to go back to much earlier levels so I can level up the artifacts. But it looks like I can only scroll back to level 456.
Is there a way to do this without removing my overall progress in the game?
Is there a way to do this without removing my overall progress in the game?
Best Answer
let's try this first ... the scrolling changed at level 411 with the HTML5 versionstart your mouse/finger(depends on device) below the level 456 icondrag and hold upward until "Chapter 10" disappears5
let's try this first ... the scrolling changed at level 411 with the HTML5 versionstart your mouse/finger(depends on device) below the level 456 icondrag and hold upward until "Chapter 10" disappears5
Awesome. Thank you!1
you are welcome! ... am happy is is working
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