Holiday & Winter Word Challenge (finished)
I hope you all had a mice and relaxing festive season the past weeks!
You found so many festive and wintery words, but there are still any words left like Presents, Sweater, Santa, Skate, Socks, Fruitcake, Fireplace, Elf, Bells, Merry, Lights, Greetings...
Here's the accepted and not accepted words and how much Gold Bars you have waiting in your games....
@clford21 Mistletoe gives you 12 Gold Bars
@Diad Blizzard is 30 Gold Bars
@Lenab257 Snowballed is 20 Gold Bars
@ivy2020 Blizzards 31 Gold Bars to you for that word
@bearwithme Snowflake is 22 Gold Bars
@mysticalmysty Gingerbread is sweet and nice, but also gives you 17 Gold Bars
@Kittylitterscooper Joyful is 22 Gold Bars
@molly1 Snowman gives you 15 Gold Bars
@Isavivi Arboles is not found in the English dictionary I'm afraid
@Stephanie_Jordan Chimney is 20 Gold Bars
@OroGrandeGal Sleigh gives you 11 Gold Bars
@SabrinaM Snowfall is 18 Gold Bars to your game
@DeepshikhaSharan Him is not a word enough Winter and Holiday Season specific so I can't give any Gold Bars for that one
@57susan Snowy is 14 Gold Bars
@65lori Candy can give you caries, but also 14 Gold Bars in this game
@AndyZoo You posted both Festive 14 and Reindeer 10. Multiple answer are not allowed so I will give you only the 10 Gold Bars for Reindeer.
@satnam Togetherness I am not able to link on the game board?
@Melissa_Jordan Chilly is 18 Gold Bars
@patsmeow18 Joyfulst is not correctly spelled I'm afraid
@Hegemon Rusas cannot be found in the English dictionary
@OceanSC Carol as in Xmas Carol gives you 9 Gold Bars
@Annie_Soutter Snowballed is already posted by @Lenab257
@maggiew18041 Eggnog makes you tipsy, but also gives you 10 Gold Bars
@Reen321 Bald is not a word enough Winter and Holiday Season specific so I can't give any Gold Bars for that one
@anne_nonneemouse Snowing is 14 Gold Bars to your game
@FaRayha Jolly is 18 Gold Bars
@reter81 Snowbank gives you 20 Gold Bars
I was not able to find your game @reter81 @FaRayha @maggiew18041 @OceanSC @molly1 @clford21. Could you please post your Game ID so I can credit the Gold Bars to your games. You all other word players have the Gold Bars in your games already.If you play on Facebook check here how to find the Game ID and on mobile like this.
Take care and have a mice start on 2020, folks!4 -
Hello @Crazy Cat Lad thank you for the contest my user id is 21855198460
Thank you @Crazy Cat Lad and congratulations to all the winners 🎉🎉1
Thank you @Crazy Cat Lad for another truly awesome word puzzle. It was great fun. Thank you for my gold bars and congratulations to all the other winners. 😊🐨1
Thank you so much @Crazy Cat Lad and congratulations to all the winners 🎊🎉🙂2
@FaRayha I am not able to find your AlphaBetty Saga with the Game ID?0
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