King Community Date Quiz (finished)
2 ➡️ Cleobettra, one sexy Queen mouse! 😊
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Definitely 1. Adventure Mouse. I love going to new places and meeting new people! 😊🐨💕
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Hello @Crazy Cat Lad 🤗
I am not adventurous at all and not sure who "Cleobettra" is!!
Between the Musical and the Blossom, I would like to pick (3) Kimono Blossom
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4 musical muse as I love her purple hair ❤️
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Adventure Mouse - always looking for new experience!
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2 - Cleobettra
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3. Kimono Blossom
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I think... 1. Adventure Mouse
Even tho my days of adventuring are pretty much a thing of the past.
(@mysticalmysty, Musical Muse is #4. All these numbers, letters, & colors are swirling around in my head. 😱)
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You are right @GranBarb to many numbers on here, sometimes I just can’t keep up 😂
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1. Adventure mouse🐁
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