Can't buy Gold Bars

Posts: 3,965

in Support
This discussion was created from comments split from: I can no longer get my friends on here, the icon is dark..
When I try to buy gold bars, the page is blank! How do I get it back so I can buy helpers?
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Hi @KathieP and welcome to our Community!
I removed the email you posted and replaced it with your Game ID to not have any personal information public.
Have you tried reisntalling the app already on your tablet? You play on a Kindle right?
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Hello, I keep trying to buy gold bars but every time I do so it says can’t connect to App Store. I thought it may have been my phone so I uninstalled the app and downloaded it again and still says the same. It also wouldn’t let me sign in to my old account, so I just started again but still isn’t letting me buy gold bars!! :(
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