Level 209
hi @Maie
here are some ideas for level 209
drop 6 chunks in 28 moves ... 32 moves(May 10 2019) ... 34 moves(Apr 13 2020)
this is a good exercise in dropping a chunk in 2 moves after the entanglers are gone
you may not need an artifact with extra moves
other choices ... remove entangler(s) ... or remove trap(s)
create vertical blasters below a chunk, then play the blaster when traps are not in the way ... 2 moves to drop a chunk
hit the rocks on the left along the way ... try to hit 2 at a time
save some crowns for the last few moves to get unplayable tiles under the last chunk
13850 will get 2 stars ... 14010 3 stars
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How do you create vertical blasters ?
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when you make a 5-letter word and the last two letters form a vertical line ... then a vertical blaster is created with the last letter of the word
example ... the word RINGS is used to create the vertical blaster in the image
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