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In Alphabetty Saga it says my credit card has been declined when I try to use it. Why?
Level 2
There is nothing wrong with my credit card which I have used to buy extra lives etc since I started playing this game. Last week I was suddenly told my card had been declined. Why was this and can King put this glitch right please?
Best Answer
OK, thanks!
Try with removing your payment details from your Apple-ID and then add them back again. That usually helps.
Check also that you don't have any pending payments on your Apple-ID that haven't been charged.
For more help on this, please check with Apple Support since this is related to your Apple-ID and their services.
hi @Barbie1943
am sorry your card was declined
the folks at king are usually off for the weekend
we can tag @Crazy Cat Lad ... he can send you to the right place for help
he is in Spain and is available on weekdays
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Please help. I want to play Alphabetty especially as we feel like prisoners at the moment! It helps me stay sane.
Several weekdays have passed since you told me he would be avsilable,
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Hi @Barbie1943 and welcome to our Community!
What device or platform do you play on?, Facebook, Android, iPhone/ iPad or a Kindle tablet?
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Please help. I want to play Alphabetty especially as we feel like prisoners at the moment! It helps me stay sane.
Several weekdays have passed since you told me he would be avsilable,
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I play on my iPad.
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OK, thanks!
Try with removing your payment details from your Apple-ID and then add them back again. That usually helps.
Check also that you don't have any pending payments on your Apple-ID that haven't been charged.
For more help on this, please check with Apple Support since this is related to your Apple-ID and their services.
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