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Need help with how to play level 339
Best Answer
Hi @sandyblue and welcome to our Community!
On level 339 you will need to make the words by finding the letters on the game board.
For example, if it says "WATER" you will need to make words until you have collected all the five letters in that word.
Just be aware of the blue bombs that are called Move Stealers. If they explode they will take 2 moves from you. So make sure to clear those asap. How many moves you have until they explode is shown in the corner of the bomb.
Good luck!5
Hi @sandyblue and welcome to our Community!
On level 339 you will need to make the words by finding the letters on the game board.
For example, if it says "WATER" you will need to make words until you have collected all the five letters in that word.
Just be aware of the blue bombs that are called Move Stealers. If they explode they will take 2 moves from you. So make sure to clear those asap. How many moves you have until they explode is shown in the corner of the bomb.
Good luck!5 -
How can you get rid of them without them exploding
0 -
hi @mike07470
the number associated with a move stealer gives the number of moves before it explodes
there are a few ways to get rid of move stealers
1) play them in a word
2) blast them
3) remove one or two move stealers with one of the helpers(Adventure Mouse)
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