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Help with level 1318
I am on level 1318 stuck in this game last week unlimited life was given but I didn't get enough of it. It was so boring that I am thinking of abandoning this game. I came a long way in this game only to find myself getting it difficult to pass simple level. I got no blast and even my bot once I but when I lost it all gone I have to start all over.infact I don't understand this crushing game any more. Pls can anyone help me out before I abandon the game for life .
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Hi there @ambassadorAustine ๐And warm welcome to the Candy Crush Friends Community ๐ค
Don't give up! I'm sure one of your Experts can share some good tips with you on that level ๐ @PummyRaj @flew66 @gr33n3y3z @Nat09 @Foley1362 @mysticalmysty @firebombmarkus @Sukanta_Biswas @kiara_wael @bearwithme @wafercookieflippers - Guys, do you have anything that could help our friend @ambassadorAustine to pass level 1318, please?
Thank you all! Happy playing ๐
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Thanks all I will be waiting
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Hi @ambassadorAustine . Welcome to our Community
Which game are you play , Candy Crush Saga or Candy Crush Freinds Saga ?
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Hi @ambassadorAustine, welcome to the community. I see you mentioned bot, so I think youโre talking about candy crush saga. I checked on YouTube ( it can help) to remind me of the level, itโs been a while since I played it and I remember being stuck there too. You need to be very strategic when you play your moves and try to figure out how to set you up for the next one. Try to make a bomb and connect it to a striped candy, it would help tremendously. So before you make a move, double check to see if you can make a bomb, or a striped candy, if not, can you set up the next move afterwards with a bomb or striped candy. If you do have a bomb and canโt make a combo, which colour is more advantageous. Concentrate on the ones that are locked on top and bottom, those are the hardest to get, the rest of your board will destroy on itโs own while youโre setting up your moves.
Hope this helps, good luck ๐๐ฐ
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