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Level 600
hi Joan ... you have done wellit is tough to get 3 stars for level 600
... 3 plates in 11 moves in English
... there is an example where the first move is only 2560 points(not enough)
... check out the perfect storm sequence and screenshots
... open in a new tab or a new window
... http://www.screenshotabe.com/index.php
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Hi guys, that is strange that they would have you clear a level with Spanish. I give you both a pat on the back for playing this game. I find it very difficult to find the words.
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I have got to 10028 in this level using several line blasters as well as a lot of mallets but without helpers, this only gets me to 2 stars
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hi @deercroft
you are close again ... you may need a word worth around 5k for this one
approximate range:for 600
12221 will get 2 stars ... 13849 3 stars
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