🐭 Say hello to our AlphaBetty Expert: abe_coffee !!
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Hello smart mice !!
Now that you already now some interesting information about our Game of the Month, it's time for you to meet our dear AlphaBetty Game Expert, the amazing @abe_coffee !!
First of all, some quick facts:
How long have you been a Game Expert? Since March 2019
How long have you been in the King Community? Since December 2018
How long have you been playing the Game of the Month, AlphaBetty? Since 5-21-17
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And now let's learn what it is about the game that made our Game Expert fall in love with it. Dear @abe_coffee , what do you like about the game?
✔️QU is one letter
✔️ 2 letter words not allowed
✔️we are able to trace out words until ABS accepts a word
✔️ most levels are very reasonable
✔️ Barney gives gold tiles for great scores
✔️ the old chat room was a great training source
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Thanks so much for answering our questions, @abe_coffee !
And you, what would you like to ask our Game Expert? Share your thoughts and questions below...and stay tuned for more cheese-tastic info about our Game of the Month!!
If you haven't done it yet, just head over to the Contest Area and take part in our AlphaBetty Word Challenge for a chance to win some shiny Gold Bars!!
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I cant wait to play
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are you guys excited 😁
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Hi y’all. From Texas. Any tips are welcomed.
is there a spot to request lives or teams?
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Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑
Sorry for your reply because we can only use English on this discussion of King Community. 😔
Don't worry! You make sure to translate from your current language to English language first then you copy and paste with using English Language on Google Translate as well.
Click on Google Translate 👈
You can edit your post (within 24 hours) or next comment with using English Language. 😉
Have a nice day! 😊
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Wow! Nice your interviews and thank you for your answering these interviews! 😄
Congratulations! You are still Alphabetty Expert Player! Well done! @abe_coffee 👏
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