country cross game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
hello everyone itz jst lyk the tagging game we all know but this one's different all u have to do is u write in a city, country or state from the last letter the last person stop
this is how it goes
A FOR ALASKA the next person starts with a again
@sameeksha @Diamond Lim @rainbowruby @jamilsidiq @Marzia @Sweetice @QueenMia @mysticalmysty @aijaziqbal @Nck @Freddy_Falkner @lilac1015 @Trish24 @kavidina @sameeksha @Ella1 @MollyMolls
dont really have much but please help me tag in some active candycush players thnxqu
A for Argentina (A again)
I will tagging a few of interested active players only to discuss this discussion if you are interested :
@AbhinavSargar, @Scooterpie, @aijaziqbal, @Trish24, @hechicerilla, @wykoon, @terrazas1325, @tratelqalam, @SabrinaM, @BQN537, @sameeksha, @kavidina, @johamilton, @Sweetice, @pearl_chetna, @ShannaSkywolf, @teresawallace44, @jamilsidiq, @Origins7_Dale, @Pcj, @Nix66, @idjowey, @MountainMom, @encantes, @Anahita_2005, @Loveth_NP, @CamiloCS, @GanesaSrinivasan and @CandyCrushIsCool 😊
Thanks for the tag @kittiecarla @Diamond Lim
A for America.
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