Is level 4291 actually possible?
Way too hard. Giving up.
Need New Levels
I am not sure what to do....I am at lvl 4285 and it says coming soon in the clouds. I play on my Android phone and there are no new updates. The weird thing is, only when there is a team event, I am able to get the game to allow me to play higher levels that aren't available and don't show on the map. Not sure who to ask…
What could this be?
Have you seen the countdown farmers? Five days left. Have you any idea what it could be?
OH No! Alligators!
so I bought some eggs from the Farmer's Market, I was told they were DINOSAUR eggs... but when they hatched, it turned out they the Alligators! Now Alligators are cool, but Dinosaurs are cooler!. So disappointed! Next thing they'll be telling me Santa ins't Real! 😏
Won 50 bars
I received email that I have 50 gold bars. Where do I find them at? I beat Bees score. How do I get my bonus? Thanks
Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand
Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules
Level 965
Is there even a strategy for this level? I've been on it for ages and I'm bored to death.
I love the different challenges
Gold bars
For some reason I can’t purchase gold bars
👩🌾 Become August's Farmer of the Month!
🌺 New to the Community? Register HERE in just 2 seconds.🌻 Howdy Farmers 👋 As you surely have noticed, since the last month of July we choose one player as the Farmer of the Month here in the Community. A player that has been helpful, encouraging, and sharing their passion for the game. The player that got nominated to…