Video per mosse gratuiti
Qualcuno ha problemi con i video per le mosse gratuiti? A me sono giorni che non mi appaiono più
Milestone Badges
Level 4692
the daily helpers
what happened to the daily helpers? how come they don't roll over from the night before? It's very frustrating and I'm not going to BUY them any more
Press button things?
What are these things that look like puppies in a basket that bob up and down? Mysterious. I am on level 5123.
Bull hitter
Did someone notice this ?? Like sheep we have bull hitter( I don't know what it is called)
Consigo conectar mina conta Farm em 2 aparelhos diferentes?
der Widerlich Turm kommt nicht
Hallo zusammen, ich bin jetzt bei Level 895 und der Turm von Waschbär Widerlich kam nur einmal im Spiel ganz am Anfang. Seit dem sehe ich den Turm zwar, aber es ist dann ein ganz normales Spiel ohne den Waschbär. Was ist da los?
ID 11285426685
De quem vc tem mais ranço no Farm?
Vamos desabafar, galera rsrsrs
I need help with Farm Heroes
I can't figure out how to solve this problem and I don't know where it came from. When I open Farm Heroes in Facebook it starts out as though I'm a new user. I have to accept the terms of use and it takes me through the tutorial. EVERY time! I'm not a new user, I'm at level 3347. Android is OK, it's only when I play on my…