Gold Bars Missing (Fixed)
Update February 19: The studio have now fixed this visual glitch. So if possible, please make sure to check that you can update your games! This also includes restarting the app or the device as well as it can still have the previous version loaded in. If you continue to have this issue, it will be fixed the next time you…
What game sersion is the most current?
I play FH on 3 devices - 1 laptop Win11), 1 desktop(Win10) and 1 mobile(Android MotoG 5G2024). What is the current version for each device?
Hello., where did my hundreds of thousands of beans go?????
Link facebook to king account
My candy crush is login with facebook Now, I have an king account How can I link facebook to king account? After link account finish, I can login candy crush with king account BTW, my facebook account is w8769311@yahoo.com.tw , and my king account is w8769311@gmail.com
Zusätzliche Herausforderungen
IIch erhalte seit Anfang Dezember keine zusätzlichen Herausforderungen mehr (z.B. Hühnerstall und ähnliche). Können Sie mir helfen? Gerät: Samsung Galaxy Tab A (2016) Android Version 8.1.0 Spieler ID 6.56.23 (?) Danke und freundliche Grüsse!
How do i add friends?
Date 2.2.2025 how to collect 80 honey pots level 1351
Date 2.2.2025 how to collect 80 honey pots level 1351? By what method?
Level 499
How did you kill the bees where you have to make there butts light up what’s the trick
Why cannot I purchase shovels using my beans? I have ample beans but the game will not allow me to purchase any shovels. The message says "transaction unsuccessful please try later".
Why is someone using my image/profile pic to ask for a life on this game?
I keep getting requests for me to send a life but it's not one of my friends sending it. It literally is my profile picture asking me to send a life. I don't know how this is possible but it looks like someone is using my info for this game.