Why the instructions?
After playing thousands of games it seems that I am being subjected to a barrage of unwelcome hints, promps and instructions on every aspect of the game. And there does not seem to be any way of turning this feature off.
No Sound / Music
Heya Just downloaded the game, appears I've got no sound, nor music, but the phone vibrates. I've tried the following so far: 1. The Game has Sound + Music + Vibrations turned on 2. I've disabled Bluetooth on my phone 3. I'm using iPhone 13 with iOS 17.4.1 - No Available Updates currently 4. Restarted the Game 5.…
Problem with farm hero's saga. Using kindle fire and it just crashes
M w
My game stops a lot
Since the game animation is chanced FARM HEROES saga stopsevery 2 / 3 levels and must I restart again. There are no problems with BUBBLE WITH SAGA2 or Candy cruch’ . Are there other players with same problem?
How do i remove the little yellow lock icon on my profile pix?
…yellow lock icon on my profile pix? Idont understand why i have that but i want to remove it. What are the steps?
I don't get the reward when I play every day
Reinstalled the farm heroes saga it's started from the beginning so need friends adding
Не могу зарегистрироваться
Не могу зарегистрироваться в игре через электронную почту, так как Фейсбука нет. Пишет, что нет подключения интернета.
why do the quests start at level 350 now?
nemôžem sa prepojiť
Dobrý deň, kupila som si nový telefón ale hra mi ide odznova, prečo nemôžem pokračovať, Ďakujem