Why I didn't get any events the past 3 months?
Ist the 3rd month in a row that I didn't get any new events, farm pass or something else. I played this game for a couple of years now, and this never happend before. It makes no fun. Reinstall, relog... Nothing helps. I already contact the support, I just got a email where I could type a review for the support... I never…
Is there something wrong with Events?
Since the March 20th app update, I have not had any events appear except for the Gold Bar Race. Is anyone else experiencing this? I am playing on PC.
Issue with app
This is my 5 th ask for a response.While the app is launching, it flashes. An error message quickly appears and disappears above the events. I am no longer able to play events other than races. How can I fix this bug?
How do I access 'right to be forgotten'?
I want to delete all progress to date and start from the beginning (Candy Crush Saga & Farm Heroes Saga). I understand the only way I can do this is to register my 'right to be forgotten'. How do I do this please?
On internet but game won't connect
I have internet yet Farmouse Saga says I'm not connected. Lost my games
Some events disappeared
After updating the app, some events are no longer there. I’ve restarted the app and my phone but still missing. Only Gold Bar Race is there, I was in the middle of Farm Pass and other events but those are now all gone. Please help, thank you!
No events
I don’t get any event anymore. I spent a lot of money and don’t get any advantage for it.
Game no internet connection
I've Uninstaller apo however keep getting no internet connecting when I do
No events
No events
Can't purchase gold bars in Farm Heroes
Trying to buy gold bars in Farm Heroes but it just says can't be purchased please try again.