Bonus level farm heros saga
I cannot play the crown bonus levels that my husband is playing. Why can i not access them on my phone.
Why do I get "Something went wrong. Please reload!" playing Game 267 online at king.com
I am trying to play Game 267 on-line, as I am still waiting for a solution to my Tablet not synching with King.com, reported four weeks ago. I can login and load Game 267, but either during the game when the spider has jumped to it's third nest, or, if I fail to collect all that is required and I then try to play a second…
How do I disconnect one FB account from Farm Heroes and connect to another on iPhone app?
My Farm Heroes app lost connection with FB and connected my gaming account. Please help.
Can't change the Facebook account
My daughter has her own iPad, her own email address. But uses my Apple ID. I have already logged into candy crush as her but Farm Heroes keeps logging in as me and it won't let me change the details when I log out. It keeps timbering me. I've re installed the game and it keeps happening. Pls help. Cheers Aly
chicken coop - bonus levels
its is telling me i have got this challenge but it is not allowing me to do the levels x
I want to know why and if anyone else has issues receiving the recharges e.g shovels, color collectors, tractors on bonus rounds and gift box stages it keeps happening to me and it's frustrating they never get credited even when it says I have passed the levels. I have contacted king numerous times and usually get credited…
help I cant play on my mobile device
I had the joy of earning 24 hr unlimited play and an hour later the disappointment of being unable to play the game. I get part of the screen, but it won't let me play. Please fix it. It is my goto game
I have done some pet levels with 3 stars and the last pet (3rd star) didnt come for me. Why is that? I did it with my cell phone and facebook, both with 3 stars and the 3rd pet dont come, its like i couldn't 3 stars, but I got it!
Farm heroes -level 267 -playing on Facebook - reload message
game fails at third spider movement - a reload message appears - if you do not reach the third web then the message appears immediately on the next attempt at the level. also at the first loading of the level you are told the highlighted square is blank i.e. has a web - it isn't - the blank square is to the left of the…
Im on level 492. With the Glow Bugs. I make them glow but they're not collecting.
Im making them glow over and over again but they are not collecting and of course you run out of moves. This is the first level that doesnt make sense to me. How many times do they have to glow.?