Questions about daily bonus.
I play the daily bonus everyday. Row after row is filled. When I get to within two or three spots(this month was 1 spot) from the end bonus, it goes back up yo the top and I do not get the final bonus. Why does this happen? It is vey annoying to do this every day and then you end up disappointed.
Rewards not showing at level 384
I'm on level 384 and my rewards from levels 360 and 374 are still locked. I've replayed and won both levels (360 is the giant panda, 374 is the turtle dove). Levels 360 and 374 both show I've won the stars but won't unlock the animals! What should I do? I've already tried restarting the app and my iPad, but it didn't help.…
niveau 11 Halloween
Je ne parviens pas à éliminer les lucioles du plateau. Elles s'ouvrent deux fois et ensuite se referment. Que faire?
how many times do you need to matcg to get rid of firebugs?
How do i get rid of fire bugs in halloween bonus. I have matched multiple times next to them and they dont do anything. I even bought extra moves withoout any result.
Halloween Special
Not sure if it's after an update but everytime I try to play it throws me out. I deleted the app and reinstalled but i then lost all the bonus power ups (spade tractor +1 and dog) that i gained for completing the Halloween levels and also lost my 48 hours of unlimited lives. I'm very unhappy, what do I do. Can you please…
URGENT - What to do with bugs in level 11 FHS?
Please help - on level 11 in Helloween special of Farm Heroes Saga there are bugs that should open wings and fly but I dont know how to make them do that. If I match cropsies 3 times next to bug, first and second time bug openes wings a little bit, but after third matching it closes it. Thank you in advance!
I have been playing Farm Heroes Saga every day in October. So why can't I play the Halloween levels
^^That's it in a nutshell. Is it something you had to buy? I can't find the information anywhere but when I play it's the same old Farm Heroes Saga. It's a bummer to see others getting to play when I can't.
clearing BUGS
How do you clear the bugs from the halloween special 18 game feature? Tried everything!
How do I play the special Scary Dairy levels in farm heros saga
I do not see where to play this halloween special Scary Dairy it does not appear beside the regular fhs game
Hello. I have a question about the special events or challenges. Why don't I ever receive them?
My husband receives the challenges all the time. As a matter of fact, he's playing the Halloween challenge now. Please help. I would like to earn rewards too! Thanks Loren