Farm Heroes stuck on level 162
I am stuck on Farm Heroes level 162. Can anyone help me complete this level?
how do i get past level 285
I cant seem to get past level 285... the flowers are not blossoming away... please help
Why can't I collect spiders or destroy webs on level 270? Nothing works.
I am not able to collect spiders or destroy webs on level 270. Matching cropsies dosen't work, cropsie collector doesn't work??
I can't access any King games via Facebook.
I can't access any King games via Facebook. The loading bar gets to about 20% and stops. Everything is up to date (java, flash etc), cookies and cache are cleared and I've tried all the ideas suggested by the help pages. But they still don't work. Is there anything else to try?
3 day waiting peroid
My question is the same is Laura H. Why is there a 3 days waiting period to continue? I don't want to ask friends or have to purchase anything just to move on either.
Farm Heroes Saga level 60 question!
Why is there a 3 day waiting period before the game will resume? I hit the roadblock at level 60, but I don't want to ask friends or buy anything to advance. Why do they make us wait so long to resume play?
Lock out on Level 361
What is up with Farm Hero Saga Level 367. It locks up when I am trying to finish.I get too the last two moves and I cannot do anything as it locks up. Has any one else had this problem to day Sunday May 17,2015.
farm heroes
Where do I find daily bonus when I play on my iPad???when I play I cannot find daily bonus
Farm Heroes will not load at all
It will not load on Facebook or on King.com on either Firefox or Chrome. The loading bar gets stuck at about 15%. I have followed all of the instructions to try to resolve the problem, like deleting cookies and my cache and restarting my browser and computer but nothing will work.
5 Free Instant Lives
How do I collect the 5 free instant lives occasionally offered? When I click on the link/hand, nothing happens.